wash diapers at home Whether you want to save money or you're out of our service area, washing diapers at home is the most economical way to diaper your little one. Rent from us and skip the upfront investment or purchase one of our curated bundles.
how to wash diapersWashing diapers is pretty simple if you have convenient access to a washing machine. Until baby is eating solids (around 6 months old) you just put the soiled diapers directly in your washer. Once there is solid poop, you will need to dump it in your toilet before washing. See our detailed washing process.cloth diaper rentalTry cloth diapering at home without the upfront investment! This is the most economical way to diaper your little one. We'll deliver everything you need plus swap out sizes as baby grows, while you wash at home.what you get
Both our rental options come with the following items along with the diapers. The number and style of diapers depends on the rental option.
![]() options 1: economic (prefold style)With this option, you will receive 100% cotton prefold style diapers and Thirsties brand diaper covers in a variety of prints. You will have enough diapers to wash every three days. We will swap out sizes 2 times. How to put on a prefold diaper.
![]() select option 2: convenient (pocket & all in one style)
The diapers in this bundle are most similar to disposable diapers- a one step process of putting on your baby. This is a great option when you have other caregivers diapering your little one. You will have enough diapers to wash every two days. Your first delivery will be newborn size all in ones, your second delivery will be a mix of one size fits all pocket style and all in one style diapers.
![]() select what our customer's are saying
"I've really appreciated being able to rent all-in-one and pocket diapers from you over the last several months! It's been a great way to get comfortable with no-fuss cloth diapering. And the start-up package with the baby bits, diaper cream, etc. really helped kick start us. " – Eberley
purchase your stashMore diapers equals less time washing so make sure you have enough in your stash so you are not washing more than every 2 days. We have curated a few different bundles of product at a discount to get you started at home. When it is time to get the next size, you can take advantage of our buy back program. ![]() |